Thursday, September 22, 2022

3 knots of the devil - the escape technique

 3 knots of the devil - the escape technique

1. Raising kundalini and tying it three times is in accordance with the tenet of Islam. It destroys the knot of the devil and creates the sheath of Mothers protection.

2. Mother in Her Speech has guided that we should at least raise our Kundalini FIVE times a day and take Bandhan afterwards.

In accordance with reading of 5 prayers mandatory for all believers in Islam.

3. In the year 2004, when my mother Amina was in castle reading her prayer( Namaaz) one typical Maharashtrian Yogini went to Mother and complained that my mother is indulging in Islamic ritual etc. She told me that my mother cannot perform anti Sahaja things in the castle. Mother summoned both my Mother and myself. Those were the times Mother had already gone silent and spoke very rarely.

She was so happy to be introduced to my mother and after that many things were revealed especially about word Asas in Koran (it’s actually Surah Al Qasas… which pronounced sounds like Asas…

This chapter has clear mention about Kundalini and story of Moses using the power of Kundalini to destroy the black magic and illusions…

Mother did not stop my mother from performing her prayers and revealed that only while performing Surya Namaskar and reading Namaz, there comes a position when the spine aligns STRAIGHT  first vertically and then horizontally to the axis of Mother Earth… and that’s when Kundalini flows…She also spoke about the As Sirat and Sirat al Mustaqeem and how Kundalini bridges and creates the straight path to cross/traverse Al Kausar (Bhavsagar also known as (Dariya e Neel) and Pul e Sirat (Agnya)… 

Between Moses, Jesus and Mohammad, the complete journey of Sahaja Yoga can be concisely explained…

Adityanath, who had in the past lashed out at a section of Muslims for terming the practice of ‘surya namaskar’ as un-Islamic, said the sun salutation was a beautiful example of religious harmony.

“The namaz offered by Muslims resembles different postures and asanas of surya namaskar including pranayam. What a beautiful example of harmony (between two religions). But some ‘bhogis’ who do not believe in yoga, indulged in dividing the society on lines of caste, creed, religion and region among others," he said.

“All asanas (postures) in surya namaskar, pranayama activities are similar to the way Namaz is offered by our Muslim brothers. But nobody ever tried to bring them together because few people were interested only in ‘bhoga’ not yoga," he said.

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